GET INTO SPRING WITH ME FT. SHEERTEX SHEERTEX Surviving through the cold winter nights and days, we are all well excited for SPRING, the weather we all anxiously love and wish we could skip winter for!!! For me excitement is an understatement as I have my spring wardrobe ready and cant wait to get into spring fashion this year and oh, what is a spring wardrobe without a pair of pantyhose? Spring means warmer days and somehow colder nights, hence fashion in spring is quite interesting as you get to mix and match fashion trends depending on the time of the day. One of my favorite item in all of my spring wardrobe is a good pair of pantyhose for the cold nights of spring, and I am excited to collaborate with an amazing brand to bring to you the most comfiest, quality and yet affordable panty hose you can have in your wardrobe. STAY TUNED AND MAKE SURE YOU WATCH THE VIDEO AT THE END OF THIS BLOG TO GET INTO MORE PERKS OF THIS PANTY HOSE As girls we al...