Steps to ACTUALLY achieve the famous saying "NEW YEAR NEW ME"
Steps to ACTUALLY get a 'NEW YOU' in 2017 Lets get the New Year New Me into Action! New Year, New ME! Are we all not tired of hearing this old adage anytime a new year begins?.... Personally, I believe in setting goals, plans and putting things in order. I love to put all my goals and plans in action after setting them and I get a unending enthusiasm anytime I fulfill a goal or plan! the big QUESTION though is.... do I really put all these goals and plans into action during the year? The truth is that we as humans think we have a long time on earth to achieve our dreams but we forget time waits for no man. Procrastination has always been my actual new year achievement, due to how I always push my goals to the next year. This year I have decided to get out of this endless loop of nothing and promising a new year new me. Time is ticking by, use it as a positive not negative. Take one day at a time and be the version of...