Lets Talk Career : Mind and goals setting "Being your own boss isn't just being your own boss" Scrolling on these social media platforms especially Instagram can give you one hell of a self-reflectment. You see people you do not know and label them as "goals", but what we do not perceive is the word "goals" is very loaded and not as light weight as it seems to us. It is a very easy story when we talking about dreaming of goals and another whole story when we actually have to sit down and work towards these goals. Many millennials see it so worthy and self satisfactory when they label themselves as C.E.Os and B.O.S.S.E.S in their biographies, when in actual sense have no idea what the meaning of such terms is. I give it up to the very few who actually are the true definition of instagram C.E.OS and B.OS.S.E.S. It is always a good thing to dream big of becoming your own BOSS and CEO, having your own job and making money work for y...